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Research & Analytics


SMS Strategy employs a full-time team that conducts industry research and analytics. In addition to examining whitepapers, industry studies, interviews, organizational shifts, etc., SMS also conducts its own network-wide surveys to discover what IT leaders are prioritizing and planning within their respective organizations. The main focus of this research is to build a better event experience for attendees and sponsors alike. Above all else, we believe in providing immense value and ROI to all participants of SMS. Armed with this knowledge and insight, we are able to build curated events that cater to the specific needs of its audience.


Our team takes all of our research and survey data to compile it into blind reports that are then shared with other contributors/participants of said survey. Surveys may be topic-specific, industry-specific, solution-specific, location-based, title-based, etc. The reports help IT leaders understand the overall landscape while seeing if their priorities and/or challenges are similar to their peers. It also helps them develop a better strategy for the future and tackle coming challenges with confidence. No names nor personal data is shared in these reports.

Want the latest reports?

In order to access any upcoming reports, you must be a participant in one of our surveys. You may request a survey using the below form. By completing the below form, you authorize SMS to contact you via email for the sole purposes of participating in our digital surveys. You are NOT being enrolled in any other marketing of any kind, so have no fear, this is not a subscription to endless daily/weekly emails. We send out a handful of surveys per year!

*SMS Strategy does not use your personal information (e.g. contact info, name, etc) in any distributed reports. Your name and email are purely used for outreach to you.