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Posts by SMS Edge

CIO Moves – January 2024


Darrin Hebert joins Securian Financial as CIO

Darrin Hebert, Securian Financial


Founded in 1880, Securian Financial provides insurance, investment and retirement products. Hebert comes to Securian Financial from Aon with prior roles at GE Capital and US Bank. He attended Bemidji State University, the University of Minnesota, and the Black Executive Leadership Program at McKinsey & Company.
Duquesne Light announces Daniel Farrah as CIO

Daniel Farrah, Duquesne Light

Duquesne Light Holdings Inc. is an energy services holding company that serves as the parent organization for Duquesne Light Company, DQE Communications, and The Efficiency Network. Farrah held prior roles at Optum and ATI. He received a BS and MBA from the University of Pittsburgh, as well as an MS from Carnegie Mellon University.


Westrock Coffee is a coffee, tea, and extracts provider to retail, foodservice, and consumer packaged goods industries. Majcher held previous roles at Whole Earth Brands and Nuseed America. He earned a BS from Indiana University – Kelley School of Business, and an MBA from Northern Illinois University.
Wingstop names Chris Fallon CIO

Chris Fallon, Wingstop CIO
Founded in 1994 and headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Wingstop Inc. operates and franchises more than 2,050 restaurant locations worldwide. Most recently, Fallon served as CIO at Fortune Brands’ Water Innovations. He held prior roles at Starbucks Coffee Company and Chico’s FAS. Fallon holds a BS from Kent State University and an MBA from Lake Forest Graduate School of Management.
Andrew Chen appointed CIO at Envista Holdings Headquartered in Brea, California, Envista is a global family of operating companies and dental brands that develop and provide a portfolio of dental consumables, equipment, and services to dental professionals. Chen joins Envista from Kite Pharma and prior to that, he held positions across multiple industries, including Seattle Genetics, AstraZeneca, JP Morgan Chase, DuPont, and Bank of America. Chen holds a BS from University of Delaware and an MS from University of Pennsylvania.


AnyDesk Cyber Incident: A CISO Case Study on Response and Recovery


The recent cyber incident at AnyDesk is a sobering reminder that even the most trusted digital platforms are not immune to malicious intent. AnyDesk, a popular remote desktop-sharing software, suffered a compromise in its production systems that allowed hackers access to user credentials, source code, and private code signing keys. The breach was confirmed following service disruptions reported by BornCity, and it was discovered while the company was undertaking a security audit.

The Chain of Events

AnyDesk's journey from a service disruption alert to the dark web sale of thousands of user credentials is rife with unknowns. How did the breach initially occur, and what was the extent of the immediate threat to user data? While the company is yet to provide a detailed post-incident report, the fact that more than 18,000 user credentials ended up on the dark web points to a breach that cut deep.

Data on the Dark Web

An anonymous seller offered up a staggering trove of AnyDesk customer credentials—ideal for technical support scams and phishing—for a price of $15,000 in cryptocurrency. The data included more than double the number of actual active connections users reported, raising further questions about the nature and extent of the accessed information.

Implications for Users

For the 18,000 individuals whose credentials are now circulating in the digital underworld, the AnyDesk breach can bring personal and professional turmoil. The potential misuse of personal information and credentials not only threatens individual privacy but also can create a gateway for broader system vulnerabilities.

The path forward for these affected individuals is one marked by caution and vigilance. By changing passwords, embracing multifactor authentication, and adopting secure password management practices, users can mitigate the immediate risks posed by the AnyDesk breach.

Learning from AnyDesk’s Playbook

Swift Detection and Communication

AnyDesk’s responsiveness lay in the timely unearthing of the breach during a security audit. However, the adoption of an immediate and transparent communication strategy emerged as the linchpin in mitigating further risk. This approach, disclosing the breach to the public and mandating password resets, is a testament to the urgency required in such situations. The undelayed dissemination of information facilitated rapid user action, potentially limiting the exploit’s long-term repercussions.

The Security Hygiene Imperative

The compromise underscored the indispensable nature of security hygiene. The assertion by Resecurity that several users persisted with outdated passwords after the breach highlights the persistent oversight of basic security practices. Encouraging stronger access protocols—unique, complex passwords and ubiquitous utilization of multifactor authentication—forms the bedrock for user security and an essential first line of defense.

The Role of Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication (MFA) emerges as a formidable implement in the security arsenal. In its absence, compromised accounts are a pressing vulnerability. AnyDesk’s experience with this breach, and the implicit compromise of user accounts, thrusts MFA into the vanguard of security strategies. By mandating MFA, organizations erect an additional barrier that drastically reduces the probability of a single-point penetration.

Code Signing Certificates and Source Code Vulnerability

The violation of AnyDesk’s source code and code signing certificates begets multifaceted concerns. Not only were a company's digital DNA and legitimacy tokens compromised, but the incursion also endangered millions of users, leaving a trail of access and manipulative potential for future malicious exploits. For organizations, stringent measures must encompass periodic assessments and shadow protections for these crucial assets.

Proactive Security Investment

The AnyDesk incident reiterates the necessity for proactive investments in cutting-edge security infrastructure. The installation of robust intrusion detection and end-to-end encryption systems could serve as pre-emptive barricades to sophisticated attacks. Companies must cultivate a culture that prioritizes continuous investment in cybersecurity, adapting systems to the evolving threat landscapes.

User Education and Awareness

The perpetuation of cyber threats often finds receptivity within the human element, making education and awareness paramount. AnyDesk’s experience prompts introspection on the adequacy and efficacy of user training programs. Cultivating a vigilant workforce equipped to discern and report suspicious activity heightens organizational resilience against breaches.

Implications for the Future of Cybersecurity

The AnyDesk breach is not merely a case study; it is a propulsive episode that augments the trajectory of cybersecurity frameworks. With each new incidence, it becomes increasingly evident that adaptive, anticipatory strategies are indispensable. The evolution of security practices must parallel the sophistication of cybercriminal methodologies. Organizations are impelled to be at the vanguard of technological innovations that safeguard their digital footprint.

In conclusion, AnyDesk's travail impels organizations and their cybersecurity leadership to recalibrate their approach. What emerges is not merely the narrative of a singular breach but a compendium of corporate cyber resilience, underscored by the reciprocity of detection and defense.

Navigating the Ethical and Practical Pitfalls of ChatGPT for Coding

In a world where the pace of technological advancement is often more a sprint than a marathon, occasionally technology leaps ahead of our established ethical frameworks. This dissonance becomes particularly stark when we see developers leverage cutting-edge tools and technologies like ChatGPT for coding. As an IT executive, witnessing the integration of AI into coding practices may raise a multitude of concerns ranging from the ethical use of such software to the downstream implications on code quality and collaboration within your team.

The Disruption of AI Integration in Coding Practices

As a leader responsible for guiding the technological trajectory of your organization, it's essential to recognize the value that AI can bring to the software development process. The implementation of language models like ChatGPT has the potential to enhance efficiency, inspire innovation, and perhaps more controversially, transform the very fabric of coding itself. Yet, with great power comes great responsibility, and AI in the hands of developers presents a new set of considerations that cannot be overlooked.

The Double-Edged Sword of Efficiency

At first glance, the use of ChatGPT to automate repetitive coding tasks may seem like a boon for faster software delivery, enabling your team to tackle complex problems with a nimble dexterity. However, beneath the surface, lies a potential pitfall — the risk of sacrificing thoroughness and the craftsmanship that distinguishes exceptional coding.

Crafting More than Just Lines of Code

Coding is not just about producing functional software; it's about crafting solutions that stand the test of time, remaining adaptable and maintainable as needs evolve. When developers use AI to generate large swathes of code, they bypass the critical thinking and problem-solving that are fundamental to the craft. The result can be an erosion of the team's coding standards and a surge in technical debt that exacts a toll on future development efforts.

The Black Box Conundrum

The inner workings of chatGPT and similar language models are opaque, their outputs sometimes inscrutable to anyone not actively involved in training or fine-tuning them. This black box nature can present significant challenges in validating the quality and security of AI-generated code. How do you ensure the AI doesn't introduce bugs, backdoors, or other vulnerabilities into your software?

Ushering in a New Ethical Paradigm in Coding

An AI model like ChatGPT is a tool, and like any tool, its application must be deliberate, considered, and cognizant of the broader ethical landscape. The following ethical concerns must be addressed and incorporated into the fabric of your development operations.

The Plagiarism Quandary

When a developer draws from the suggestions of ChatGPT, how do you determine the originality of their work? Is the resulting code truly theirs, or is it a derivative produced with the AI's assistance? How do you navigate the complex web of intellectual property and attribution when AI is an active participant in software development?

Ensuring Quality, Security, and Compliance

Integrating AI into your coding workflow means taking on the added responsibility of ensuring any AI-generated code meets your organization's rigorous quality, security, and compliance standards. It's no longer simply about writing functional code; each line must be scrutinized for potential vulnerabilities and adherence to best practices.

The Spirit vs. Letter of the Law

As IT professionals, it's critical to balance the need for compliance with the spirit of ethical coding. This means going beyond mere legal requirements and considering the broader ethical implications of the code you produce, particularly when AI is an integral part of the development process.

Embracing Best Practices for AI in Coding

Acknowledging the innovative role AI can play in coding is a step in the right direction, but crafting guidelines and best practices is where theory meets application. Here are some actionable steps you can take to integrate ChatGPT and similar tools into your coding processes ethically and effectively.

Establishing a Review Process

Implement a rigorous review process for all AI-generated code. This additional layer of scrutiny can catch algorithmic errors, guard against potential plagiarism, and ensure that all outputs align with your organization's standards.

Transparent Attribution

Encourage developers to clearly label any code generated with the assistance of AI, ensuring that proper credit is given. This practice not only recognizes the role of the technology but also upholds the integrity of the development process.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Stay abreast of the latest developments in AI and their implications for coding. Foster a culture of continuous learning, where your team is equipped to navigate the complex interplay between AI and ethics in coding.

Cultivating a Dialogue of Ethics

Facilitate open discussions within your team about the ethical considerations of AI use in coding. Engage in conversations about the potential benefits and risks, encouraging thoughtful analysis and action.

Designing AI-Specific Workflows

Create specialized workflows for AI-assisted coding that include steps designed to verify and validate AI outputs. By tailoring your processes to accommodate the unique nature of AI, you can ensure that it enhances, rather than hinders, your development efforts.

A Case for Thoughtful Innovation

The integration of ChatGPT into your team's coding practices can stand as a testament to your organization's commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in software development. But it can also draw a roadmap for the ethical use of AI in a field where ingenuity and integrity must be inextricably linked.

As an IT executive, your role is not just to oversee the adoption of new technologies but to guide that adoption in a way that honors the craft of coding, protects the interests of your organization, and nurtures an environment where innovation and ethical practice can thrive side by side. By addressing the ethical implications of ChatGPT and similar tools, you can pave the way for a future where technology serves as a force for good, without compromising the values that define your team's work.

The dialogue around AI in coding is just beginning, and the path forward is fraught with challenges. By leaning into these conversations and approaching the adoption of AI with a proactive ethical mindset, you can set a standard not only for your team but for the industry at large. With the right balance of innovation and ethical consideration, we can ensure that the future of coding is as solid as the code we craft today.

In conclusion, the use of AI models like ChatGPT in software development is both a powerful opportunity and a significant responsibility. As an IT leader, your ability to navigate the ethical implications and to foster a culture of ethical coding will define how your organization harnesses the transformative potential of AI. As we continue to innovate and adopt new technologies, let's do so with a deep commitment to the integrity of our craft and the welfare of our collective digital future.